You cannot create an iCloud account on Snow Leopard or earlier. If you have opened an iCloud account on a Lion or above Mac or an iOS5 or above device this will be the situation on Snow Leopard:
- You will be able to access email and calendars on the iCloud website at provided your browser is reasonably up-to-date.
- You will not be able to sync contacts or bookmarks from a pre-Lion Mac.
- You will be able to enter the server
settings for
email manually in the Mail application and access your
email. A
pictorial instruction page on doing this is here
(for Snow Leopard, or here for
- You will not be able to sync your calendars directly.
- Some people have been able to set up calendar syncing by using the method detailed here - this is an unsupported hack and may not be reliable, and may stop working at some future point. (See below for alternatives.)
- Address Book won't sync: this
has a convoluted hack to make it sync which has been
reported as
working (and as not working by others). I've not tried it.
(See below
for an alternative.)
There are a couple of alternative syncing services you might like to consider, though they're not particularly cheap:
Soho Organizer can sync Calendars and Contacts with iCloud on Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion. A single user licence (multiple machines allowed) is $99.99.
(I have no connection with these firms. I am using Fruux and it works well on Snow Leopard; I've not used Soho Organizer but it has had good reviews.)
Note that Apple are now requiring app-specific passwords for third-party applications to access iCloud, so all the above-mentioned apps will need one. Also since Mail on Snow Leopard and earlier was not intended to access iCloud you will have to generate a password for it, for which you need to set up two-factor, or failing that two-step authentication, then you can set up an app-specific password. You enter the password in place of the normal iCloud one when logging into iCloud.
Roger Wilmut. This site is not associated with Apple.