(Total size of images 202k)

Don Quixote Boris Godounov Don Basilio Ivan the Terrible The Varangian Guest Ivan Susanin Mephistopheles Nilakantha

 Yashka the Turk

'Don Quixote': Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, 1910. 'Boris Godounov': Drury Lane Theatre, London, 1913. 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia' not known. 'The Maid of Pskov': Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, 1911. 'Sadko': Russian Private Opera, Moscow, 1898. 'Ivan Susanin': Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg, 1900. 'Faust': Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg, 1895. 'Lakmé': Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, 1901. 'The Singers': The People's Theatre, Petrograd, 1919. 'Prince Igor' on the main page: Bolshoi theatre, Moscow, 1910.