I.J.Beeching (Physics)
He was the brother of the infamous Dr.
Beeching, who decimated the railways in the 1950s - but
we didn't hold that against him; and I believe he had
worked on radar during World War 2. I think he taught
Physics well - I always found his explanations very
clear: and he gave me (when asked) one of the most useful
pieces of advice I had while I was there - that I
probably wasn't suited to go on to University. In
retrospect, this was exactly right - I did much better
going straight into sound engineering and operations.
R.H.Thornton (Maths): also, from the later
fifties, Headmaster of the Junior School (the first two
years, from 11-13).Well-liked, with a robust (though not
aggressive) style (I once heard him from a good 50 yards
away informing a class "I told you not to use