A message from the dark side

I get quite a few emails about my website , most of them complimentary or asking for advice. However I do, like anyone else, get the odd bizarre one. This little gem came from a lady with an email address at a well-known American university:

you were on page 4 of my search. guess what you don't look anything like a recipe and whoever set up your web site is a jerk because you can't get back to where you were.

I hope you choke on your crap

I can make no sense of this: there is a page on my website which has recipes (related to opera singers, such as Peach Melba) but even so I can't work out the reason for her outburst. I did write back asking whether she would like - politely - to explain what the problem was, but got no answer.

Just for amusement I did a bit of investigating, and it took me less than two minutes to find out the department she works in, her room and telephone numbers, and the email address of the boss of her IT department. Not that I have any intention of doing anything about it, of course - but a bit incautious of her, don't you think?

Posted: Sat - June 17, 2006 at 10:37 AM by Roger Wilmut          



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