Obituary: Peter Copeland'm sorry to have to announce the death yesterday of my friend and colleague Peter Copeland of a heart attack. I first met him when we worked in the BBC Control Room at Bush House in the early 1960s: in the mid-1960s he became a Studio Manager at Broadcasting House , and subsequently moved to BBC Bristol, where he became the principal Film Dubbing Mixer - he did the final mix on David Attenborough's famous wildlife series Life on Earth. He also ran a disc-cutting business in his London flat and later in Bristol, initially cutting people's wedding recordings to LP and later doing professional mastering: he also did wildlife recordings (he once paid for a holiday in Australia by recording wildlife atmospheres there for the BBC Archive). He later left the BBC and joined the National Sound Archive (the audio section of the British Library) as Conservation Manager - the job and he were made for each other as he probably knew more about the technical history of recording than anyone in the country, and he was widely respected in the record collectors' world. He retired about three years ago. He is survived by his wife, Judy, and his mother. Though, because of his diabetes, his risk of an early death was known it still of course comes as a shock to them, and I extend my deepest sympathy. Peter was a classic brilliant eccentric - an experienced recording engineer with a deep understanding of technicalities, and a complete inability to work the fax machine - and a good friend: he will be missed. [Update: I have written an entry about Peter in Wikipedia] Posted: Mon - July 31, 2006 at 10:48 AM by Roger Wilmut |
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