'Worse Than My Byte'
computer music, created in GarageBand: the title should give you a clue as to
its style. The beauty of this and similar programs is that, even though I'm out
of practice and my fingers are stiff, I can create music by recording in
sections and at slower speeds, and build up the effect I want. Here we have a
jazzy little fugue for six instruments - not written down, but improvised a
small bit at a time. In fact if you examined the fugue carefully it wouldn't
really hold up - the lowest two lines are simpler than a real fugue should be -
but it's just for fun: partially inspired by Alec Templeton's Bach Goes To
Town (which you can hear on my latest podcast).
I have posted two versions of the fugue on the 'MacJams' site (which showcases home-made computer music): A version with rhythm backing And one without. You can see a list of my other posted music items at MacJams here. Posted: Mon - November 20, 2006 at 10:36 AM by Roger Wilmut |
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