Renate, Jessie, Julie, Victor and Victoria

Jessie Matthews was the brightest star of 1930s British Cinema: she made a number of engaging musicals - including an excellent version of J.B.Priestley's The Good Companions - which showed off her considerable singing and dancing skills. Though her films appear rather dated now, her mischievous personality still shines through.

The National Film Theatre has been celebrating the centenary of her birth with a season of her films, including First A Girl (1933), a remake of the German comedy musical Viktor und Viktoria (1933). The story involves an out of work actress who is persuaded to appear as a male performer who performs in drag (female dress) - a female impersonator who really is female, though audiences, not knowing this, don't realize why the impersonation is so good. As she has to appear off-stage as a man she attracts the attention of another man who can't understand why he is attracted to her: inevitably, complications ensue.


Posted: Sun - March 4, 2007 at 09:14 AM by Roger Wilmut          



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